Zuni Grill Ancho Maple Glazed Pork Chop


Zuni Grill Ancho Maple Glazed Pork Chop

Source: Zuni Grill at the Hilton Mesa Pavilion - Mesa, Arizona

1 (8 ounce) pork chop
4 ounces vegetable medley
2 ounces achiote powder
1 ounce Dijon mustard
8 ounces olive oil
4 ounces honey
2 quarts demi-glace
7 ounces maple syrup

In a bowl, whip achiote powder, mustard, olive oil and honey to create a rub. Rub pork chop well with achiote rub. Mark off on grill and finish in oven until at least 155 degrees F.

In a separate bowl, mix demi-glace and syrup; heat.

Serve pork chop on demi sauce.

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