Red Lobster Black and Blue Talapia


Red Lobster Black and Blue Talapia

Today's recipe is from Davey James and Terry Williams, of Red Lobster.

Tilapia (or salmon, grouper, halibut, sea bass, swordfish)
3 1/2 ounces blue cheese (store bought)
1/2 cup butter, separated
Chopped lemon wedge, for garnish
Fish seasoning

Place fillet darkest or skin side down in a pie pan. Brush presentation side of fillet with butter sauce. Shake a heavy coating of blackened fish seasoning onto fillet. Brush the blackening pan with butter sauce. Carefully flip seasoned fish onto blackening pan and brush dark side of fillet with butter sauce. During the last 2 to 3 minutes of cooking add blue cheese dressing and finish cooking fish until 150 degrees F and dressing has browned slightly. Garnish with fresh chopped parsley and lemon wedge.

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