Desoto Hilton Hotel Brittlebread


DeSoto Hilton Hotel Brittlebread

Source: DeSoto Hilton Hotel, Savannah, Georgia

1 pound flour
1 ounce sour cream
3/4 cup butter (liquefied, clear)
3 ounces granulated sugar
1 ounce kosher salt
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon regular salt

In large bowl, make ring with flour. Sprinkle baking powder in flour. Add remaining items except Kosher salt and 1 ounce sugar in middle of ring, mix carefully and let rise about 1 hour.

Roll out as thin as possible, place on sheet pan, and sprinkle lightly with Kosher salt and sugar. Bake at 400 degrees F until golden.

When removing from sheet pan, roll around your fist, then let cool. Herbed butter is particularly good on this.

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