Applebee's Southwest Steak


Applebee's Southwest Steak

2 (5.5 ounce) sirloin steaks, or your favorite cut
4 shakes blackened steak seasoning
1/2 cup red peppers, julienne cut
1/2 cup green peppers, julienne cut
1 cup yellow onion, julienne cut
Butter, as needed
Salt, to taste
Pepper, to taste
Garlic, granulated, to taste
1 slice Cheddar cheese
1 slice Monterey jack cheese, sliced

Preheat skillet or grill to 550 degrees F.

Shake blackened steak seasoning on to one side of meat and grill to desired doneness, turning halfway on grill between "flips" to achieve "diamond" grill marks.

While steak is cooking, cut onions and peppers.

Melt butter and saute.

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