Black Bean Tostada


Yield: 4 servings

8 ea Corn tortillas
Vegetable oil, for frying

Black Beans
1 1/3 cup Dried black beans, cooked
3 med Onions, chopped
3 ea Garlic cloves, minced
1 1/2 tsp Cumin
1 1/2 tsp Coriander
1 tsp Chiles, minced
1/4 cup Oil
1 med Tomato, chopped
2 ea Oranges, juiced
Salt, to taste

2 lg Avocadoes
1 lg Garlic clove, minced
1 ea Lemon, juiced
Salt, to taste

Lettuce, shredded
Tomatoes, chopped

Once beans have cooked, drain & set aside.

Pour oil into small skillet to a depth of 1/2" & heat. Fry the tortillas, one at a time, for 1 minute on each side until they are crisp. Drain & set aside.

Saute the onions, garlic, cumin, coriander & chiles in 1/4 c oil in a medium skillet until the onions are soft. Add the black beans & mash as they cook. Add the tomatoes & orange juice. Cover & simmer over very low heat for 10 minutes. Stir frequently to prevent sticking. Add salt.

Make the guacamole by slicing the avocadoes in half & scoop out the flesh. Mash till smooth & add garlic, lemon juice & salt.

Layer the tostadas. Start with a crisp tortilla, cover with lettuce, black beans, guacamole, tomates & salsa.
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