Chow Mein With Shrimp And Pork


Chow Mein With Shrimp And Pork

Serving Size : 4
Categories :
Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method
-------- ------------ --------------------------------
1/2 pound noodles -- chinese fresh
9 tablespoon oil
4 ounce shrimp; shelled, deveined
1 1/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon cornstarch
1/2 pound lean pork -- shredded
1 tablespoon sherry
2 tablespoon soy sauce -- light
1/2 teaspoon sugar
1/2 pound bok choy
1/4 pound mushrooms -- sliced
2 tablespoon chicken stock
1 teaspoon cornstarch -- dissolved in
2 teaspoon water

Drop noodles into boiling water and boil for five minutes. Rinse under cold water. Drain. mix with 1 T oil. Set aside. Mix shrimp with 1/4 t salt and cornstarch. Heat 1 T oil to 400 in wok and stir fry shrimp until they turn pink, about 1 minute. Remove. Heat 2 T oil to 400. Stir fry pork until color changes. Add sherry, 1 T soy sauce and sugar. Stir fry 1 minute. Remove. Heat 2 T oil to 400. Stir fry bok choy 1 minute. Add pork, mushrooms, 1 t salt, and 1 T soy sauce. Add stock. Cook 3 minutes. Thicken with dissolved cornstarch. Pour in shrimp and bring to boil. Remove. Heat 3 T oil to 400. Turn down to 350 and stir fry noodles until outside is golden brown but inside is soft. (They will form a cake). cook 5 minutes on each side. Remove to platter. Place cooked mixture on top of noodles.
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