Guy's Chinese Chicken


Guy's Chinese Chicken

Serving Size : 4
Categories :
Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method
-------- ------------ --------------------------------
4 chicken--breasts -- skinned a
10 1/2 tablespoon lite soy sauce
3/4 cup chicken broth -- -condensed
10 1/2 teaspoon cornstarch
4 tablespoon oil -- lite
1 1/2 cup snow peas -- -fresh or defrost
2 cup mushrooms -- sliced fresh
1 cup celery -- -sliced 1/4" wide
1 med onion -- -cut into 6-8 wedge
1/2 cup green pepper -- strips
1/2 cup walnuts -- (broken) or peanut

DIRECTIONS This recipe is for 4 but can be cut in half for 2. I usually make the whole thing up so I can enjoy it the next day for lunch or as a side dish when completely mixed into the rice. I holds well in the fridge if covered tightly. Cut chicken into strips. Toss with 1 TBS soy and set aside. Mix together remaining soy, chicken broth and cornstarch. Set aside. Heat 1 1/2 TBS oil in wok or large fry pan and quickly stir fry the drained chicken strips until browned. Be sure wok is hot.Remove from wok and keep warm. Add remaining oil to wok and stir fry all veggies over medium heat for 4-5 minutes. Add the broth mix, bring to a boil--stirring constantly. Return chicken to the wok, add the nuts and heat about one minute. Serve immediately over white rice.
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