Cranberry Pretzel Salad


Cranberry Pretzel Salad

Layer 1
2 cups finely crushed pretzels
3/4 cup melted butter
1 tablespoon granulated sugar

Mix ingredients together. Press into the bottom of a large flat baking dish. Bake 8 minutes at 350 degrees F. Let cool. Meanwhile, prepare layers 2 and 3.

Layer 2
8 ounces cream cheese
1 (8 ounce) container Cool Whip
1/2 cup granulated sugar

Mix together, and spread on top of cooled crust.

Layer 3
1 large box black cherry Jell-O
2 cans whole cranberry sauce
2 cups boiling water

Mix well; let Cool and pour over second layer.

NOTE: The third layer can be mixed first and set in the refrigerator while other layers are being prepared. Just don't forget it and leave it too long; you don't want it to congeal.

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