Low Fat Yogurt


Low Fat Yogurt

4 cups powdered skim milk
1 teaspoon gelatin
Granulated sugar to taste
1/2 cup yogurt (with active yogurt and L. acidophilis cultures)

Heat oven to 250 degrees F. Turn off.

Put 4 cups warm water in a large kettle. Slowly stir in the powdered milk; add 2 1/3 cups more warm water. Soften the gelatin in 1 tablespoon cold water. Add 1 cup boiling water and stir until gelatin is dissolved. Add to milk mixture. Add sugar to taste. Stir yogurt into milk mixture until well-blended. Pour into sterilized jars. Cover tightly with aluminum foil. Place containers on a baking sheet. Put in oven for at least 3 hours and as long as overnight, until yogurt is set. Makes 2 quarts. Put regular covers on the jars and keep refrigerated.

Line a sieve with cheesecloth. Invert container of yogurt in sieve. Refrigerate overnight or until liquid has drained off. Put back in covered container and keep refrigerated.

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