Pan Roasted Doves


Pan Roasted Doves

16 doves or dove breasts (4 to 5 per person)
2 tablespoons bacon drippings
2 tablespoons pre-browned flour
1 cup dry red wine
1 teaspoon freshly-ground pepper
1 1/2 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon currant jelly
1 can beef or chicken stock

With 1 tablespoon flour, dust doves and place in medium hot drippings. Brown well, stirring constantly. When brown, add 1/2 cup wine and boil down to essence.

Add 1/2 of the stock slowly, then currant jelly, salt and pepper. Cook, stirring until tender to fork and red juice no longer appears (approximately 45 minutes).

Remove doves and increase heat. For gravy, add flour, wine and stock mixture. Use more stock to thin if needed. Place gravy in a preheated gravy boat.

Serve doves on a bed of wild rice or natural brown rice.

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