Oven Fried Chicken


Oven Fried Chicken

Source: Submitted by Chef Christine Leishman

1 1/4 cups corn flake crumbs
1/4 cup all-purpose flour
1 1/2 teaspoons salt
1/4 teaspoon paprika
1/4 teaspoon black pepper
Pinch of cayenne
1 cup cold reduced fat buttermilk
6 chicken breasts, on the bone, skin
    removed, approximately 8 ounces each

Preheat oven to 475 degrees F.

Combine the dry ingredients in a shallow pan. Remove any extra fat from the breasts and pat them dry with a paper towel. Soak the chicken in the buttermilk for 15-20 minutes then coat with the crumb mixture. Spray the crust with nonstick spray (or oil mister) and roast in a preheated 475 degrees F oven for 40 minutes until the internal temperature reaches 155F. Turn the oven to warm and hold until serving. Yield: 6 servings

Per serving (7 oz): Calories 189; Fat 5.3 g; Saturated Fat 1.6 g; Cholesterol 117 mg; Sodium 774 mg; Carbohydrate 10.6 g; Dietary Fiber 1 g; Sugar 2.4 g; Protein 44.5 g; Vitamin A 20 RE; Vitamin C 1 mg; Calcium 70 mg; Iron 1.9mg

This recipe is 17% fat. Carbohydrate Points: 3 Carbohydrate: 43 Exchanges: 1 Bread/Starch, 6 Meat - Very Lean

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