Crockpot Caramel Apples


Crockpot Caramel Apples

2 (14 ounce) package caramels
1/4 cup water
8 apples
8 sticks
Nuts (optional)
M&M's (optional)
Mini chocolate chips (optional)
Candy decorations (optional)

In crockpot, combine caramels and water. Cover and cook on HIGH for 1 to 1 1/2 hours, stirring frequently.

Wash and dry apples. Insert stick into stem end of each apple. Turn control on low. Dip apple into hot caramel and turn to coat entire surface. Holding apple above pot, scrape off excess caramel from bottom apple. Place on greased wax paper to cool. After the caramel has set, you may wish to roll the apples in the toppings of your choice.

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